Facts About Disability

  • More than 6.2 million Canadians aged 15 years and over are living with some form of disability that affects their level of freedom, independence, or quality of life. (Statistics Canada, 2017)
  • 6 million Canadians with disabilities were unable to afford the aids, devices, or prescription medication they require due to cost. (Statistics Canada, 2017)
  • A specially designed walker can cost up to $2,500. A customized power wheelchair can cost more than $25,000. A porch lift can cost upwards of $5,000. Modifications and renovations to make a home accessible can cost tens of thousands of dollars. (Easter Seals Canada)
  • Working aged adults without a disability make a higher median after-tax personal income ($39,000) than those with milder disabilities ($34,300) and those with more severe disabilities ($19,200). (Statistics Canada, 2017)
  • Approximately 59% of working-age adults with disabilities are employed compared with around 80% of those without disabilities. As severity of disability increases, the percentage of those employed falls from 76% among those with mild disabilities to 31% among those with very severe disabilities. (Statistics Canada, 2017)
  • Youth with disabilities are at a higher risk of not being in school or employed, and this increases with the severity of the disability. About 15% of youth with milder disabilities are neither in school nor employed, compared with about 31% of youth with more severe disabilities. (Statistics Canada, 2017)
  • Considering the stages and the rate of children’s physical, emotional, and intellectual development, it is sometimes difficult to identify certain types of disabilities in children aged 0 to 4. Disability in young children can often be described only as a delay in development, whether physical, intellectual or other. (PALS, 2001)


Printable Canadian Survey on Disability 2017 infographic.


The charity of choice of the Foodservice and Hospitality industry helping send kids with disABILITIES to accessible summer camps.




3100 Steeles Ave W, Suite #400A, Vaughan, ON, L4K 3R1


Email: [email protected]


Phone: 905.841.1223


Charitable Registration # 86205 7569 RR0001

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